Lenormand Combinations #20 Park


Meaning: Public
Audience. Customers to meet. Official occasion. Something becomes visible. As well: Health occupations. Quiet. Sunday. Theater. Big event.

Friends. Relatives. Family events. As well: Listen to opinions of others. Don’t keep quiet.

Networking. Join online communities. Publicize your concerns. As well: Strong public encouragement. Be mindful of others. It’s not always necessary to use force to succeed.

Character: Sociable 

Park in combination with …

  • Rider: Get to know someone new. Meet larger groups.
  • Clover: Good reputation. Fun party.
  • Ship: Party on a ship. Travel group. Cruise. Longing for more people.
  • House: Public building. Welcome someone. Party at home. Hotel.
  • Tree: Recreation area. Hospital. Public life.
  • Clouds: Harmful management. Public disturbances. Unclear circumstances.
  • Snake: Private conflicts become public. Disorder.
  • Coffin: Hospital. Destruction.
  • Bouquet: Big and happy event. Social / public event. Gardening show.
  • Scythe: Criminal environment. Sudden visitors.
  • Whip: Theatre. Public dispute.
  • Oriole: Excited pack. Concert. Public meeting. Public nuisance.
  • Child: Naive circle of acquaintances. Playground. Kindergarten.
  • Fox: Sincere society. Wrong company.
  • Bear: Supplier. Best circles of friends. A man you already know.
  • Stars: Take drastic action. Supporters. Straighten things out.
  • Stork: Change in demand. Public changes. Event is moved.
  • Dog: Big circle of friends. Popular friend. Fan community.
  • Tower: Hotel. Public building. Feeling lonely in society.
  • Mountain: Problems in public. Frustrating social circle. Boring event. Cancelled event.
  • Way: Walking in the park. Publications. Political decision.
  • Mice: Loss of circle of acquaintances. Avoid society. Disturbing event. Cancelled event.
  • Heart: An integrated whole. Engagement party. Be attracted by a group.
  • Ring: Commitment. Public approval. Marriage.
  • Book: Treat matters with secrecy. Secrets kept in relationships. School. Library.
  • Letter: Announcement. Entrance ticket. Invitation to an event. Superficial environment.
  • Man: Open-minded and sociable. Popular man. Turning one’s back on society.
  • Woman: Cheerful woman. Woman in the public. Main character loves society and contact with people.
  • Lily: Harmonic mood within circle of acquaintances. Strip bar.
  • Sun: Fame. Recognition in the public.
  • Moon: Considerate approach to someone. Celebrity event.
  • Key: Important meeting that will happen for sure. Environment gives security.
  • Fish: Financial institution. Public money. Getting rich through many customers.
  • Anchor: Teamwork. Stability. Public relations.
  • Cross: Withdrawal from people. Burial.
  • http://lenormand-reading.com/36-lenormand-cards-in-detail/#
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